Crispy and Delicious Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries Recipe - Tired Texan BBQ (2024)

by Chip Holland

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Are you craving a delicious and healthier alternative to traditional potato fries? Look no further than Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries! These delectable fries are irresistibly crispy on the outside and perfectly tender on the inside. Get ready to experience a burst of flavor in every bite with these sweet Potato Fries!

Factors to Consider when Searching for a Sweet Potato Fries Air Fryer Recipe


Crispy and Delicious Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries Recipe - Tired Texan BBQ (1)

  1. Cook Time: Look for a recipe that provides a recommended cook time for the sweet potato fries in the air fryer. This will ensure that your fries are cooked evenly and to perfection.
  2. Crispiness: A good air fryer recipe should provide tips on how to achieve crispy sweet potato fries.
  3. Seasoning: Whether you prefer a basic salt and pepper seasoning or something more flavorful like garlic powder or paprika, finding a recipe that suits your taste preferences is important.
  4. Oil Usage: Look for a recipe that uses minimal oil or provides alternatives, such as cooking spray or brushing the fries with oil.
  5. Cooking Method: Ensure your chosen recipe is compatible with your specific air fryer model.

Tips for Making the Perfect Sweet Potato Fries in an Air Fryer

  1. Cut them evenly: To ensure that your sweet potato fries cook evenly, it’s important to cut them into uniform thickness.
  2. Soak in water: Soaking the cut sweet potato fries in cold water for about 30 minutes helps to remove excess starch and results in crispier fries.
  3. Pat dry: After soaking, make sure to pat dry the sweet potato fries thoroughly before seasoning, and air frying will help to prevent any excessive moisture, which can hinder crispiness.
  4. Season well: Sweet potatoes have a naturally sweet flavor, so they benefit from bold and savory seasonings.
  5. Use cornstarch: Tossing the sweet potato fries with cornstarch before air frying helps to create a crispy coating on the outside while keeping the inside tender.
  6. Preheat your air fryer: This ensures that the fries cook evenly and prevents any sticking or soggy spots.
  7. Cook in batches: Cook the sweet potato fries in small batches, allowing enough space for airflow.
  8. Shake or flip halfway through cooking: This helps to ensure that all sides get crispy and golden brown.
  9. Adjust cooking time and temperature: Every air fryer is different, so adjusting the cooking time and temperature according to your specific model is important.
  10. Serve immediately: Serve them immediately for the ultimate taste and texture experience.

Read more:

  • How to Cook a Sweet Potato in the Oven

Serving Suggestions

Ways to serve air fryer sweet potato fries

Crispy and Delicious Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries Recipe - Tired Texan BBQ (2)

There are so many delicious ways to enjoy your crispy air fryer sweet potato fries!

  1. One of my favorite ways is to dip them in tangy ketchup or a spicy chipotle aioli. The combination of the crunchy exterior and the creamy dipping sauce is absolutely irresistible.
  2. You could also try topping your fries with some melted cheese and bacon for a loaded sweet potato fry experience.
  3. Another fun idea is serving them alongside a juicy burger or as a side dish for a hearty steak dinner.

Ideal dishes for pairing with fries

  1. One of my favorite combinations is a juicy burger with all the fixings and a plate of crispy sweet potato fries. The sweetness of the fries pairs beautifully with the savory flavors of a burger.
  2. Another delicious option is to serve the fries as a side dish for grilled chicken or fish. The fries’ crispy texture and subtle sweetness provide a wonderful contrast to the flavorful protein.
  3. Lastly, you can also enjoy these fries as a snack on your own or as a tasty accompaniment to a sandwich or wrap. The possibilities are endless!

Nutritional benefits of sweet potatoes and air frying

Sweet potatoes are not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients. They are a great source of dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, potassium, and antioxidants. These nutrients play a vital role in supporting a healthy immune system, improving digestion, and promoting healthy skin.

Air frying sweet potato fries is a healthier alternative to traditional deep frying. By using just a small amount of oil, air frying reduces the overall fat content of the fries. This method also retains more natural vitamins and minerals in sweet potatoes than deep frying, making it nutritious.

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So not only do air fryer sweet potato fries taste amazing, but they are also a guilt-free indulgence that can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet.


When it comes to making air fryer sweet potato fries, you may encounter a few common problems.

  1. One issue that may arise is the fries turning out too soft or not crispy enough. To address this, make sure to cut the sweet potatoes into evenly sized pieces and spread them out in a single layer in the air fryer basket. You can also try increasing the cooking time slightly for a crispier texture.
  2. Another problem could be the fries sticking to the basket. To prevent this, lightly coat the basket with oil before adding the sweet potato fries.
  3. If you find that the fries are burning on the outside but still undercooked on the inside, try lowering the temperature or adjusting the cooking time accordingly.
  4. Another problem is that the fries may stick to the basket, making them difficult to remove without breaking. To avoid this, make sure to spray the basket with cooking oil before adding the fries.

Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries Recipe

Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries Recipe

Crispy and Delicious Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries Recipe - Tired Texan BBQ (3)

Prep Time5 minutes

Cook Time15 minutes

Total Time20 minutes


  • 1 large sweet potato
  • 1 teaspoon of oil
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon of paprika
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of pepper


    1. Begin by preheating your air fryer to 400°F (200°C).
    2. Peel the sweet potato and cut it into thin slices, approximately 1/4 inch in thickness.
    3. Place the sweet potato slices into a bowl.
    4. Add the garlic powder, paprika, salt, and pepper to the bowl.
    5. Drizzle the sweet potatoes with 1 teaspoon of oil.
    6. Toss the ingredients together in the bowl, ensuring that each slice is fully coated.
    7. Once the air fryer has preheated, place the seasoned sweet potato slices into the basket in a single layer.
    8. Cook the sweet potatoes for 10-15 minutes, shaking the basket a few times throughout the cooking process to ensure even cooking.
    9. Once the sweet potato fries are golden brown and crispy on the outside, remove them from the air fryer and serve immediately.

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Crispy and Delicious Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries Recipe - Tired Texan BBQ (4)

Chip Holland

Hey readers! Chip Holland here, and I’m a Manager of this website. My passion for writing about it only matches my passion for BBQ. Follow my blog for mouth-watering recipes, tips, and tricks for the perfect smoke, grill, and BBQ. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed!

More About Chip Holland

Crispy and Delicious Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries Recipe - Tired Texan BBQ (2024)


Why won t my sweet potato fries get crispy? ›

The secret to crispy (instead of soggy) sweet potato fries is to spread them out in an even layer with enough room so that they don't touch. This is especially important if you're making a big batch of fries. Instead of just piling more onto one baking pan, spread them out over two baking pans or cook them in batches.

Why are my sweet potatoes not crispy in air fryer? ›

Why do my air fryer sweet potato fries turn out soggy? A couple of reasons! It could be that the temperature of your fryer was too low, that you used too much oil, or that you crammed too many fries into one batch. Preheating before adding sweet potato fries to the air fryer also guarantees the crispiest results.

Why soak sweet potatoes before air frying? ›

Step 2: Soak sweet potato wedges in cold water for 30 to 60 minutes (or as long as 8 hours) before air frying. This is critical for removing excess starch and helping the fries to become crispy.

Why are my air fryer fries not crispy enough? ›

If your fries are not crispy, air fry them a little longer. Once all batches are finished, toss them all back into the air fryer (no need to place in a single layer this time) for 1 to 2 minutes to warm and re-crisp any that got cold from the first few batches.

Why are my sweet potato fries soggy in the air fryer? ›

To help the flavor pop, sprinkle the fries with a pinch of additional kosher salt immediately after removing them from the air fryer. Banish Soggy Sweet Potato Fries. If your air fryer fries are soggy, it is likely because you over-crowded them in the basket.

What makes sweet potato fries better? ›

Sweet potato fries are slightly higher in calories and carbs but also more nutrient dense than French fries. The greatest nutrient difference is that French fries have no vitamin A, while sweet potato fries are high in this nutrient. Vitamin A is important for your vision and immune system ( 2 ).

How to make Crispier air fryer? ›

However, a small amount of oil is usually necessary to achieve a crispy texture. A drizzle or a quick oil spray is all you need for restaurant-quality fries and golden brown fried chicken, while other foods don't need any oil, like pizza or leftovers you might reheat.

Why are things not getting crispy in air fryer? ›

Dry the outside of the food properly before you add oil. Do not use too much oil, as this will make the food less crispy and more fattening. Meat or poultry can be lightly brushed with oil or marinated to get the crispiest results.

Why do sweet potatoes turn black in air fryer? ›

Why do my air fryer sweet potato fries turn black? Sweet potatoes contain a higher concentration of sugar than standard potatoes, and caramelize as they cook in the air fryer. If you find the fries are darkening too quickly or deeply, cook at a lower temperature, or for a shorter period of time.

What happens if you don't soak potatoes before air frying? ›

I wouldn't bother doing potatoes from the raw state, without soaking. It will take about a half an hour and the texture won't be nearly as rewarding. They just don't get very crispy without that cold soak.

How long does a sweet potato take in an air fryer? ›

How long does it take to air fry sweet potatoes? Sweet potatoes take about 35-45 minutes to cook at 370F degrees in the air fryer, which is less time than they take in the oven.

What is the best oil to use in an air fryer? ›

The Best Oil for Air Fryer Cooking

Olive oil: For foods cooked at 375 degrees or below. Canola oil: For cooking below 400 degrees. Baking spray: For sweet treats fried below 400 degrees. Grapeseed oil: For cooking up to 420 degrees.

What is the common problem of an air fryer? ›

Issue: One of the most common problems with air fryers is the unit not heating up as it should, which results in undercooked or unevenly cooked food. Solution: Ensure that the air fryer is placed on a flat, stable surface. Also, make sure the basket is securely inserted and that the food is not overcrowded.

How do you crisp fries in an air fryer? ›

Simply set your air fryer to 350 degrees, then place your leftover fries in a single layer in the fryer basket. Heat them for three to five minutes or until they reach your desired crispiness.

Why are my sweet potato fries still soft? ›

My guess is you aren't blanching the sweet potato fries before you are frying them. In order to get crispy fries, of any type, you need to cook them twice. You begin by either boiling them in water, or frying them at 325, until they are just cooked through, but not so much that they lose their shape.

Why are my homemade fries never crispy? ›

If they are still not crispy you might have skipped a step or you might not have let them cool down sufficiently. Make sure to cool them in a single even layer and also make sure that the oil has the right temperature. Or maybe you've used the wrong potatoes to make them.

How to crisp up soggy sweet potato fries? ›

10 Tips for Actually Crispy Oven-Baked Sweet Potato Fries
  1. Tip #1: Cut them thin and even. ...
  2. Tip #2: Give them an ice bath. ...
  3. Tip #3: Set your oven to 415 degrees convection. ...
  4. Tip #4: Use arrowroot starch. ...
  5. Tip #5: Only use a little oil. ...
  6. Tip #6: Salt AFTER they are done cooking. ...
  7. Tip #7: Space them out!
Apr 4, 2019

Why won't my fried potatoes get crispy? ›

This sure sounds a lot like potatoes that have been stored too long, in too cold of an environment before cooking. When potatoes are held below 41°F for too long a period, the starches convert to sugar and it changes the cooking chemistry.

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